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How to prevent membrane fouling in reverse osmosis systems to maximize their USEFUL LIFE

To prevent membrane fouling in reverse osmosis systems, it’s essential to implement a series of operational and maintenance strategies. Here are some of the most important ones:

1. Proper feedwater pretreatment:

The water entering the reverse osmosis system should undergo pretreatment to remove contaminants that can cause fouling, such as suspended solids, organic matter, iron, manganese, and chlorine. Common pretreatments include filtration, dechlorination, and disinfection.

2. Use of cartridge filters:

Installing cartridge filters (typically 5 microns) before the membranes helps capture particles that could block or accumulate on the membranes.

3. Control of dissolved solids concentration:

Monitoring and controlling the levels of dissolved solids in the feedwater helps prevent excessive concentration on the membrane surface, which could lead to scaling.

4. Control of biological fouling:

Biological contamination is a significant cause of fouling. Some specific products, such as biocides, can prevent bacterial growth on the membranes.

5. Use of antiscalants and dispersants:

Adding antiscalant chemicals to the feedwater can reduce the formation of mineral deposits on the membranes, such as calcium carbonate, sulfates, and silica.

6. Regular membrane cleaning and maintenance

Implement a regular cleaning program based on the system’s operating parameters (pressure, flow, recovery) and feedwater quality. Chemical cleaning of the membranes helps remove deposits or scaling before they become a significant issue.

7. Continuous monitoring of critical parameters:

Monitoring the reverse osmosis system’s differential pressure, conductivity, and flow can help detect early fouling signs. These parameters can indicate when cleaning or pretreatment adjustments are needed.

8. Optimization of flow velocity:

Maintaining adequate flow velocity across the membranes prevents particle accumulation, promoting better dispersion and avoiding deposits on the membrane surface.

9. Proper system design:

A well-designed reverse osmosis system, considering factors such as the feedwater characteristics, the type of membranes used, and the module configuration, can significantly reduce the risk of fouling.

These combined measures help extend the membrane lifespan and improve the operational efficiency of the reverse osmosis system.

KleinScale’s chemical products are designed to help prevent membrane fouling in reverse osmosis systems. By utilizing advanced antiscalants, flocculants, and biocides. KleinScale prevents the formation of inorganic deposits and biological contaminants that can lead to membrane degradation. Our solutions ensure that membranes operate efficiently for longer periods, reducing the need for frequent cleanings and costly replacements.

In addition to fouling prevention, KleinScale offers a range of cleaning and maintenance solutions. Our membrane cleaning agents effectively remove scaling, biofilm, and organic deposits, restoring optimal system performance. We also provide customized maintenance programs to address the specific needs of your system, ensuring long-term operational reliability and minimized downtime.



Las calderas de agua son dispositivos esenciales en muchas viviendas y edificios comerciales e industriales. Su papel en la generación de agua caliente para calefacción, duchas y procesos industriales es fundamental. En este artículo, exploraremos en detalle qué son las calderas de agua, cómo funcionan, los tipos disponibles en el mercado, su importancia en la eficiencia energética y algunos consejos clave para su uso y mantenimiento.


El agua es esencial para la vida y su acceso asequible y seguro es un derecho fundamental de todas las personas. En este artículo, exploraremos en profundidad la nanofiltración del agua, una tecnología innovadora que se ha convertido en una solución efectiva para purificar el agua y proporcionar agua de alta calidad. Descubriremos cómo funciona la nanofiltración, sus aplicaciones en la vida cotidiana, sus beneficios para la salud y el medio ambiente, y algunos consejos clave para aprovechar al máximo esta tecnología.

Aportar un valor añadido al sector del agua, innovando en nuestros productos y servicios. Nuestra motivación, aumentar la sostenibilidad y la eficiencia del sector.

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